Year 8-9
In year 8 or year 9 your child will choose subjects and qualifications to study until the end of year 11. The timing of this and the choices available to your child will depend on their Meridian Trust School.
When it’s time for your child to choose their GCSE options, they’re likely to benefit from your support as a parent. So how can you help them choose GCSE subjects that are right for their future career options, skills and interests?
All students must study core subjects (English, maths, and science) but they also have the opportunity to choose additional subjects.
Schools will provide information about subject choices. Choices will be different for each school. Please make sure that you save the date for the school's options evening and direct the suggested questions below to the teachers:
- What courses are available? (GCSE and/or vocational)
- What will students learn?
- How will students be assessed? (exams and/or coursework)
- How are the qualifications graded? (GCSE grades 9-1 or vocational Pass/Merit/Distinction)
The responses to these questions should help you to support your child to make an informed decision about what they would like to study.
Please make a note of any further questions that you have and direct these to the career’s leader at your school.