Conversation Starters
Do you ever struggle to start conversations with your child about their future? These conversation starters will help you to engage with your child in a way that will inspire their thinking and encourage them to explore different opportunities.
Try out the 5 discussion prompts below to generate useful conversations.
1. What subjects are you enjoying most at school? Why are you enjoying these subjects the most? What subjects have you not been enjoying? Why do you think you have not enjoyed these subjects? Tell each other about your most enjoyed school subjects and the ones you like/liked least... Also consider what subjects your child is good at? What are their favourite subjects? What subjects do they really dislike?
One of the best things about your child choosing their options is being able to select subjects they enjoy and leave behind the subjects that they do not. Encourage your child to write a list of the subjects they enjoy and do not enjoy the most and key reasons for these choices. For example, topics studied, projects, exams, coursework, practical sessions, skills developed, have a career in mind…
2. What jobs or sectors do you think you would like to work in? Why do you think you would like to work in these jobs or sectors? What do you know about these jobs/sectors? What would you need to know about these jobs/sectors to help you make a decision about your next steps? What would you like to know more about? Why would this information help you? Who could help us get the information we need?
3. What is your dream job? Why? Do you think this is achievable? What interests you about it? Does anything put you off?
Encourage your child to start to think about their values, interests and strengths. Check out this video to understand more about values. What makes them excited? What are they passionate about? How could these interests be applied to their subject choices and the world of work?
Unifrog - Interests Profile, Personality Profile, Work Environments Profile and Skills Profile can help your child consider their values, interests and strengths.
4.What’s the future demand of the jobs or sectors you are interested in? How much competition is there for these jobs or sectors? Where are these opportunities? Would you be willing to move or travel? What is the salary? What’s the work pattern? (9-5, evenings, weekends, shift work, night's etc.) What’s the qualifications and skills required to get into these jobs or sectors? What is the route/pathway to these jobs or sectors?
5. What would you like to do or study after your GCSEs? Where do you hope that might lead? When you think about your next steps, what’s important to you? What do you know about university? Do you think it might be something you are interested in? Why? What interests you about it? Does anything put you off? What would you like to know more about? Why would this information help you? Who could help us get the information we need?